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If your luggage is damaged or lost, airlines may have to reimburse you for it. Follow our simple steps to make the matter more bearable until your compensation is paid. It's very easy, let us help you.
ClaimAre you stuck at the airport? Your airline may owe you more than just a snack and soda. Depending on some details of your flight, you may be entitled to compensation of up to € 600.
ClaimIf a canceled flight also cancels your plans, you can get compensation from the airline. There are some peculiarities depending on the type of flight and the region. Let us find the best solution.
ClaimA simple 5-minute delay on your first booked flight can make you lose the link with the second. You are entitled to compensation for it, leave it in our hands.
ClaimIf you have booked a flight in First class and the airline changes your seat to Economy, you are entitled to a refund of one hundred percent of the original ticket, contact us, we will claim the amount.